How it all began


In 2022, amidst the backdrop of a world gripped by fear and uncertainty due to the pandemic, the seed of an idea took root in Canada. It was here that the concept for the 'Live Courageously' podcast began to sprout. Inspired by a desire to counter the prevailing message of fear with one of courage, I resolved to share the stories of courageous individuals who I had crossed paths in life.


The following year, in 2023, marked a pivotal moment in the evolution of the 'Live Courageously' brand. Building upon the success of the podcast, I sought to broaden the reach of the message. Thus, the idea for a Substack newsletter was born. This platform would serve as a vehicle for sharing information, inspiration, and encouragement on a weekly basis, further amplifying the ethos of living courageously.


As the momentum continued to grow, so too did the vision for the 'Live Courageously' movement. In 2024, the team behind the podcast and newsletter embarked on a new endeavor: the creation of the website. This digital platform would serve as a centralized hub for hosting the podcast episodes, distributing newsletters, and sharing insightful blog posts. Additionally, it would provide a space for building a supportive community, showcasing the work of non-profit organizations, and offering curated merchandise that aligned with the brand's values.

Looking ahead to 2025 and beyond, the future of living courageously shines bright with promise and possibility. The 'Live Courageously' community invites individuals from all walks of life to join them on this journey of empowerment and inspiration. Through embracing faith over fear, engaging in acts of service, and encouraging others to make a difference, each member contributes to the collective effort of fostering courage in the face of adversity.


As the 'Live Courageously' movement continues to gain momentum, stay tuned for exciting developments on the horizon. From new initiatives and partnerships to expanded outreach efforts, there are endless opportunities to make a meaningful impact and inspire positive change in the world. Together, let us embark on this journey of living courageously, united in our commitment to fearlessly embrace all that life has to offer.
